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Thank you for your purchase from moonar.store in the past.
But I forgot to do something (for YOU) that I should have done.
Here is what I'm talking about...
Every holiday, we have a range of special deals for our customers and they all love it.
What do we do?
We select all the best products and cut their already low prices further by 30% (across the entire selection) on our WEBSITE: http://www.moonarstore.com to let our customers enjoy the special buying privilege!
Here comes my fault. Let me confess…
You ARE on my best customer list…But I have been forgetting to give you access to this special SECRET page (due to our “stupid” way of managing email lists, I would admit).
To make it up for you, I have selected the best of the best products and taken prices down which means you will be able to save up to 80% off retail prices.
I hope you can now forgive me.
Best Regards,
MoonarStore.com Marketing Team
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